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PIPA - About Us

Find out more about how the scheme came about and what we do

About the Scheme

The PIPA scheme was originally set up to be an online database to record inflatable safety inspections against PIPA tags on inflatable devices. After a request to improve the industry, PIPA drafted a 5-year plan alongside HSE to take PIPA inspector training and examination in-house. PIPA is now responsible for the competency, professionalism, and skill of PIPA inspectors when the carry out a PIPA inspection.

Our new PIPA website and inspection portal provides our stakeholders with further assurance in the work we do. This is down to:

  • Having built-in compliance to ensure inspections are completed on the date and time they say they were, and also at the named location
  • Having built-in compliance to require all required fields within inspection reports to be completed
  • Having full traceability on the inspection report recording process and any subsequent changes
  • Locking in inspection report data and preventing future changes
  • Being built on the latest technology to ensure the cloud-based system has almost 100% uptime

The scheme continues to expand in all directions. From not only increasing the scope of what can be inspected under the scheme rules, but also capturing more parts of the inflatable industry.

How does the scheme work?

PIPA's mission involves the ongoing enhancement, upkeep, and extension of management systems and responsibilities. By doing so, the scheme aims to elevate manufacturing and operational safety within the leisure industry, striving for the highest standards that ensure the well-being of all individuals involved. Through consultation and continuous development, PIPA is dedicated to fostering safer environments and practices across the sector. Since 2019, PIPA has been a company limited by guarantee which means reserves must be reinvested into the development of the scheme and other sectors of the inflatable play industry. There are no shareholders, no paid directors and that’s exactly how it should be.

Inflatable is Inspected & Tagged
Tag is registered on PIPA Database
Inflatable is Inspected Annually
Report is added to Tag on Database
Inflatables safety verified by scanning Tag or searching Database

What we do

PIPA’s inspection scheme provides a framework to certify inflatable play inspectors as competent to undertake inspections of inflatable play devices. It provides an online inspection portal to record and publish inspection reports, providing assurance about how inspections are conducted. PIPA verifies that its inspectors remain competent 
and up to date as it continues to expand on the current safety standards to bring more inflatable play devices under the scope of the scheme. PIPA provides training and guidance to members of the industry to promote confidence to members of the public when they use inflatable play devices.

Where we work

Our work is primarily focused in the UK. As a trusted organisation, we have provided assistance to EU member-state countries in providing guidance and clarification on inflatable play safety. PIPA inspectors can be based in any location in the world.

Who we work with

PIPA seeks to work with all members of the industry to improve standards in inflatable play. We have a strong relationship with the Health & Safety Executive in the UK, who were consulted at every stage of PIPA’s inception, and who we continue to work with today. As we continue to grow the scope of the scheme, PIPA is here to work with manufacturers, controllers, operators, local authorities and the public to ensure its work meets the demands of all its stakeholders. 

How we are governed

The day-to-day activity of PIPA is conducted through the PIPA office. The executive board of PIPA is the PIPA 
Leadership Group (PLG) who are an elected group of members, and co opted non-members, who are there to 
hold the PIPA office to account, and ensure the scheme is delivering its objectives.

Accountability and Funding

PIPA is funded through fees levied within PIPA inspections generated through its inspection portal. It also generates funds from training programmes and membership. It is accountable for how these funds are used in order to improve the industry. Part of the accountability is by the PLG not being a paid function for the work they do as the governing body. As we are entrusted to ensure funds are used appropriately, our members are provided with details of account information during the annual general meeting.



Where to next?

Check a Tag

Understand our Tags

PIPA Tags are the registration plate of inflatables which fall under the PIPA inspection scheme.

Enter the tag number to view the current inspection reports for your device

Check a Report

Understand our Reports

Inspection reports are issued by PIPA inspectors against tagged devices

Enter the inspection report number to view the inspection report in full

PIPA Operator Training

Find out more about PIPA's Operator Training Course provided by PIPA inspectors who are approved accredited trainers.