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The UK's inspection scheme for inflatable play equipment.

We are the UK’s inflatable play inspection scheme set up to ensure that inflatable play equipment conforms to recognised safety standards. We examine and certify PIPA inspectors to ensure they are competent to inspect inflatables which fall under the PIPA scheme.

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Understand our Tags

PIPA Tags are the registration plate of inflatables which fall under the PIPA inspection scheme.

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Understand our Reports

Inspection reports are issued by PIPA inspectors against tagged devices

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The Professional Inflatable Play Association - PIPA

PIPA is an inspection scheme set up by the inflatable play industry to provide assurance that inflatable play devices conform to recognised safety standards and PIPA standards.

The scheme is listed in HSG175 as one of only 2 supported schemes. The other Health & Safety Executive (HSE) supported scheme is the Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS). To see the HSE’s guidance on inflatables, click here. HSE was consulted at each stage during the development of PIPA, and continue to have a close working relation to this date.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) require that all work equipment, including inflatable play, must be inspected at suitable intervals. In the inflatable play industry this is deemed to be once a year.

About Us
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Bouncy Castle Safety

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) and subsequent regulations require all inflatable play equipment 'that is designed to be used by a member of the public for entertainment purposes either as a slide or for bouncing upon' to be inspected by a competent person.

PIPA's role is to ensure that there are systems in place to ensure that person is competent to perform a PIPA inspection, and there is a method to securely inspect and record the findings. 

The role of PIPA is expanding, and the scope of the scheme is increasing. Over the coming years, we hope to include more parts of the industry to help them provide assurance and confidence in the inflatable leisure industry and improve safety standards.

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The Scope of the PIPA Scheme

BS EN 14960 is the only standard for design, manufacture and testing of inflatable play equipment. PIPA bases its inspection scheme on the European standard, and produces guidance and training to PIPA inspectors to understand the standard and how to apply PIPA guidance during their inspections.

The PIPA inspection scheme only covers certain types of inflatable devices. We work towards expanding the scope of the scheme and to bring more devices under PIPA to help provide further assurances within the inflatable industry.

Scope of Scheme

PIPA Updates

Check out PIPA's latest news, updates and press releases:

30/05/2024 - Fake Certificate Identified

PIPA has been contacted to verify whether the following image is a recognised PIPA inspection certificate (see below).  

We can confirm this image is not a true inflatable inspection certificate. 

The certificate and inspection does not conform to a PIPA inspection. It is also not a certificate issued by the named inspection body, and the RPII (Register of Play Inspectors Internation) have also confirmed that it is improper use of their logo and seal. 

We ask members of the public, controllers, and industry members to look out for any improper use of the PIPA certification or collective marks (an industry type of protected trademark). Or to spot fake inspection certificates, to allow PIPA to take action where 

All PIPA inspections will be recorded on the PIPA website, and if you are unsure, please 
contact us by email: info@pipa.org.uk


18/06/2024 - The PIPA Consultation is now live!

We are inviting everyone to take part in our consultation survey, and be in the chance of winning a £250 Amazon voucher.

PIPA wants to hear your views on what the scheme should like like, and the training of PIPA inspectors.


20/08/2024 - Recruitment

PIPA is now recruiting public/lay members for its investigating outcome committee (IOC).
The IOC is a committee and is part of PIPA who have the following responsibilities:
  • Ensuring the PIPA complaint procedure has been followed when reviewing an investigation case.
  • Considering the allegations against a PIPA member, ensuring PIPA has jurisdiction to correctly consider the allegations.
  • Establish whether there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations on the balance of probabilities.
  • To ensure proportionality in any mitigating or aggravating factors which alleviate the actions of the PIPA member.
  • Considering the proposed recommendation of disposal for the case, and ensuring it is fair and justified.
  • Acting as an appeals committee within PIPA's work.
The IOC is formed of three people:
  1. One PIPA inspector who is also a member of the PIPA leadership group
  2. One PIPA inspector who is not a member of the PIPA leadership group
  3. One lay person (regardless of PLG membership)
We are now recruiting members of the IOC and the current positions are available:
  1. One lay member
  2. One PIPA inspector (not a member of the PIPA Leadership Group)
To become a member of the IOC we would expect your to have (or undergo training) of the following knowledge:
  • PIPA complaints and concerns procedure
  • PIPA IOC procedure
And you would be expected to:
  • Uphold the same standards of a PLG member
  • Respond to queries and requests by the PIPA office in a timely manner (within 72 hours - unless out of office)

Renumeration and Frequency:
The IOC will meet as and when is necessary. It would not be expected to be more than a handful of times per year.
IOC members are renumerated at a standard hourly rate of £40 per hour. IOC members are set a renumeration time for pre-reading materials, and attending committee meetings.
Training time will also be re-imbursed at a set rate by the PIPA office.

To apply:
Please email the PIPA office info@pipa.org.uk with a CV of your experience relevant to the IOC position (lay member or inspector). 
Please also describe any experience which may help to the role, such as relevant or similar experience.

03/09/2024 - Leisure Supply Show 2024

06/09/2024 - Public Notice

We have been informed of a manufacture company named Y & G Inflatable who claim products made are certified by PIPA

We would like to confirm PIPA has NO affiliation and have never certified products made by this company.

Products may be PIPA tagged post manufacture by independent pipa inspectors if they fall within the scheme rules - but this is not a blanket certification and should not be purchased on this false information provided.


More than just inspecting.

PIPA is working towards being the 'One Voice' of the inflatable industry. Recently we have introduced Operator Training for the industry, and an expansion in what can be inpsected under the PIPA scheme. We continue to move forward with developing the scheme and ensuring it meets the demands of all its stakeholders.

PIPA Operator Training

Find out more about PIPA's Operator Training Course provided by PIPA inspectors who are approved accredited trainers.

Scope of PIPA Scheme

What devices are included within the PIPA testing scheme and can be tagged and inspected by trained PIPA inspectors.